...hopefully some useful VMware related stuff
Testing SMTP using Telnet
Use the following to test SMTP functionality of your Email server:
Open command window
Start a telnet session to the Exchange server to test:
telnet exchange01 25
You should get a response like:
220 site.contoso.com Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Connector
Type the following command:
If everything is ok you should get the following response:
250 OK
Now type in the email address you are we sending from:
MAIL FROM: Admin@test.com
You should receive:
250 OK - MAIL FROM Admin@test.com
Now enter the recipients email address:
RCPT TO: User@Domain.Com
You should receive:
250 OK - Recipient User@Domain.Com
Now add the subject and text for the email:
You receive the following response:
354 Send data. End with CRLF.CRLF
Enter the subject for the message:
Subject: test message
Press ENTER two times. You do not receive a response from this command.
Now enter the text for the body of the email:
Test Message
Type a period (.) at the next blank line, and then press ENTER.
You receive the following response:
250 OK
Close the connection by typing the following command:
You receive the following response:
221 closing connection
- - - - - -
To request a delivery receipt to test two way communication use the following when entering the recipient:
RCPT TO: User@Site.Domain.Com notify=success,failure