...hopefully some useful VMware related stuff
Healthcheck Script (ver 1.78)
Building on the works of the below mentioned individuals, and with help from others on the VMware Communities forum like Zsoldier and LucD, this is the current Healthcheck script that I am using.
1. Ivo Beerens (started this wonderful script)
2. Ade Orimalade (Avge. Memory Usage)
3. esarakaitis @ vmwarescripting.com (check this site out if you have not already, and bookmark it)
4. Bill Scott (removal of style.css and embedding report into email (no need for attachement)
5. Jason Singh
6. Zsoldier
7. LucD
I have added a few extra parts to it and modified and extended existing parts to make for me at least, a really useful Healthcheck script. You will need a machine with Powershell and the Vi-toolkit installed for this to work and it can be run either remotely or on the vCenter or VirtualCenter server itself.
Please try it out and let me know what you think or if you have any additions to make to it.
You'll need the tools listed on the knowledge base article here