...hopefully some useful VMware related stuff

Article archive

25/09/2009 12:58

Find number and size of physical Memory in a host

Open a putty session and become an admin user. type the following: dmidecode | grep "Size" You will get the following output: Runtime Size: 57104 bytes                 ROM Size: 4096...
23/09/2009 10:01

Remote ssh on a reinstalled host

After rebuilding a host, existing hosts can no longer connect to it as the key in the known hosts file is for the old host. Edit the following file with vi as follows. Once logged in as a admin user vi ~/.ssh/known_hosts Move down to the host which has been rebuilt and type: dd then type: :wq! You...
21/09/2009 15:30

Powershell and VI-Toolkit

Download PowerShell for Windows Server 2003 from the below link. https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=10EE29AF-7C3A-4057-8367-C9C1DAB6E2BF&displaylang=en Install and then open the PowerShell. At the command line type the following: set-executionpolicy remotesigned Exit the...
15/09/2009 12:00

Healthcheck Version 1.7 Released

    Finally finished working on the script and is now available on the Healthcheck page, click here
07/09/2009 12:00

Passed VCP Exam on vSphere 4

I have passed my VCP Exam so now a VCP on VI3 and vSphere 4.0.
01/09/2009 17:40

Restart host agent

service mgmt-vmware restart
01/09/2009 01:29

Restart host virtual center agent

service vmware-vpxa restart
04/08/2009 14:31

Log Files Locations

  /var/log/messages /var/log/vmksummary /var/log/vmkwarning /var/log/vmware/hostd.log /var/log/messages /var/log/secure /var/log/vmware/vpx/vpxa.log (vc connected hosts only) /var/log/vmware/esxupdate.log   I would recommend using these with a tail -f at the start to see the end of the...
03/08/2009 11:52

Watch snapshot delta files commit

Use this command to watch the snapshot delta files commit. If your snapshot files are quite large, virtual center will often timeout on the commiting task, you can use this to watch the progress and confirm it is actually working.   Log into the host with putty over ssh Type in the...
15/07/2009 12:07

Useful firewall commands

Some useful firewall commands:   esxcfg-firewall -e ntpClient          Open port 123 for the NTP Client to allow synchronization with an external time source esxcfg-firewall -BlockOutgoing    Block all outgoing ports which...

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